Treatment & Care

Orthopedics Oncology Unit

Orthopedic Surgery, Bone and Soft Tissue Tumor Unit Orthopedic Institute, Lerdsin Hospital, provides services to patients with problems in Primary bone tumors (primary bone tumors), secondary types that have spread from other organs (metastasis bone carcinoma) and soft tissue tumors, receiving patients referred from primary and secondary hospitals.

Orthopaedics Trauma Unit

Orthopaedics Trauma Unit

The Orthopaedics trauma Unit, Institute of Orthopedics, Lerdsin Hospital provides care and treatment for patients who are suffering from bone fracture especially complex fracture around shoulder, hip, knee and pelvic & acetabulum fracture.

Metabolic Bone Disorders and Orthogeriatric Unit

Metabolic Bone Disorders and Orthogeriatric Unit

The Metabolic Bone Disorders and Orthogeriatric Unit, Institute of Orthopedics, Lerdsin Hospital provides care and treatment for patients who are suffering from disease effects to bone and muscle

Upper Extremity and Reconstructive Microsurgery Unit

Upper Extremity and Reconstructive Microsurgery Unit

The Upper Extremity and Reconstructive Microsurgery Unit, Institute of Orthopedics, Lerdsin Hospital provides care and treatment for patients who are suffering from different disorders of the hand, wrist, forearm including elbow.

Foot and Ankle Unit

Foot and Ankle Specialist

Specialist in all aspect of adult foot and ankle problems which include sport injury, degenerative process, traffic accidents, congenital disease, infection and tumor.

Sport Medicine Unit

Sport medicine unit

The Sport Medicine unit, Institute of Orthopedics, Lerdsin hospital provides medical services for patients who have experienced injuries from sport event.

Arthroplasty Unit

The Arthroplasty unit, Institute of Orthopedics, Lerdsin Hospital provides care and treatment for patients who are suffering from the disorders of hip and knee.

Pediatric Orthopaedics Unit

The Pediatric Orthopedics Unit, Institute of Orthopedics, Lerdsin Hospital, provides care for pediatric orthopedic patients suffering from congenital and acquired diseases.

Pediatric Orthopaedics Unit

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